Vividly Yellow


This bouquet consists of sunflowers and babybreaths. There is an added touch of real eucalyptus as well. It gives you that cooling effect and provides ultimate relaxation. This arrangement is all wrapped up in delicate paper and finished with a silk bow.

A handwritten note is included as well.

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This bouquet consists of sunflowers and babybreaths. There is an added touch of real eucalyptus as well. It gives you that cooling effect and provides ultimate relaxation. This arrangement is all wrapped up in delicate paper and finished with a silk bow.

A handwritten note is included as well.

This bouquet consists of sunflowers and babybreaths. There is an added touch of real eucalyptus as well. It gives you that cooling effect and provides ultimate relaxation. This arrangement is all wrapped up in delicate paper and finished with a silk bow.

A handwritten note is included as well.

Orders must be placed 3 days prior to your desired time needed for the arrangement.

We will organize a meeting time for your delivery.